Friday, March 27, 2015

I want that hour back

I realize that the hour lost to Daylight Savings can't serve as as excuse for not posting in February. That change occurred on March 8th. This brief posting isn't meant to replace the one I didn't do then, nor to serve as this month's.

Instead I'll use it to share a few links--there are a ton out there--about why DST should be done away with. Fascinating that, for instance, the main reason DST was extended to the 1st of November was to profit convenience stores, who sell more candy when trick-or-treaters have an extra hour of light in the evening. From my perspective as a family physician, one thing that is clear is that children would do better to have that extra hour of light in the morning (e.g., there are numerous studies citing better school performance with a later morning start time). It looks like a good book on the subject, as these are all just short blogs, would be Michael Downing's "Spring Forward: The Annual Madness of Daylight Saving Time." If anyone's read it I'd be curious to know what you thought. Cheers!

Hmmm…links not appearing to show…here they are for copying and pasting:

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